Sunday, August 26, 2012

Learning CoffeeScript, F#, and Haskell (and brushing up on math)

I've started to get very interested in new programming languages, as a result of working with people at At V1, they use CoffeeScript for some of the UI features. While also brushing up on some of my math fundamentals, I started watching this old (but good) video series:

The three algorithms I wanted to implement are factorial, the permutations algorithm, and combinations algorithm. The mathematical short hands for these are typically:
  • n!
  • P(n, r)
  • C(n, r)
To read more about these, you can find thousands of pages on the internet, including But, I like in the algebra section.

Anyway, it's easier for me to memorize math concepts when I write my own functions to give me conceptual, hands-on grounding.


factorial = (number) -> 
total = { Value : 1 }
iteration = (number, total) ->
unless number is 0 
total.Value = total.Value * number
iteration number - 1, total
iteration number, total
factorialSplit = (number) -> 
total = { Value : 1 }
factorialSplit_iteration number, total
factorialSplit_iteration = (number, total) ->
unless number is 0 
total.Value = total.Value * number
factorialSplit_iteration number - 1, total

permutations = (totalNumberOfItems, numberOfItemsToChoose) ->
unless numberOfItemsToChoose <= totalNumberOfItems
throw "numberOfItemsToChoose cannot exceed totalNumberOfItems"
total = factorial totalNumberOfItems
divisorBase = totalNumberOfItems - numberOfItemsToChoose
divisorTotal = factorial divisorBase
total / divisorTotal

combinations = (totalNumberOfItems, numberOfItemsToChoose) ->
unless numberOfItemsToChoose <= totalNumberOfItems
throw "numberOfItemsToChoose cannot exceed totalNumberOfItems"
total = factorial totalNumberOfItems
divisorBase = totalNumberOfItems - numberOfItemsToChoose
divisorSubTotal = factorial divisorBase
divisorAdditionalToReduceBy = factorial numberOfItemsToChoose
divisorTotal = divisorSubTotal * divisorAdditionalToReduceBy
total / divisorTotal
console.log factorial 5
console.log factorial 10

console.log factorialSplit 5
console.log factorialSplit 10

console.log permutations 5, 3
console.log permutations 12, 4

console.log combinations 15, 5
console.log combinations 5, 3

Syntax Explanation

The syntax is a simplification of JavaScript, and is inspired by languages like Ruby and Python, for example. A few key highlights:
  • The "->" syntax just means that what follows will be the definition of a function.
  • Whitespace is significant (get over it).
  • The last statement in a function is the return value, though you can return values earlier by using the return statement.
  • I made two versions of factorial, one with an embedded function defined within the first, and split one that uses a call to a separately defined function.
You can learn more about the CoffeeScript by reading a few good resources:

Testing with Node.js was trivial. I ran "npm install coffee-script -g" then after creating, ran "coffee -c", and finally typed "node JMath.js".

The output was:


Running the coffee -c command generates the following JavaScript code:

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
  var combinations, factorial, factorialSplit, factorialSplit_iteration, permutations;

  factorial = function(number) {
    var iteration, total;
    total = {
      Value: 1
    iteration = function(number, total) {
      if (number !== 0) {
        total.Value = total.Value * number;
        iteration(number - 1, total);
      return total.Value;
    return iteration(number, total);

  factorialSplit = function(number) {
    var total;
    total = {
      Value: 1
    factorialSplit_iteration(number, total);
    return total.Value;

  factorialSplit_iteration = function(number, total) {
    if (number !== 0) {
      total.Value = total.Value * number;
      factorialSplit_iteration(number - 1, total);
    return total.Value;

  permutations = function(totalNumberOfItems, numberOfItemsToChoose) {
    var divisorBase, divisorTotal, numberOfEvents, total;
    if (!(numberOfItemsToChoose <= totalNumberOfItems)) {
      throw "numberOfItemsToChoose cannot exceed totalNumberOfItems";
    total =  factorial(totalNumberOfItems);
    divisorBase = totalNumberOfItems - numberOfItemsToChoose;
    divisorTotal = factorial(divisorBase);
    return total / divisorTotal;

  combinations = function(totalNumberOfItems, numberOfItemsToChoose) {
    var divisorAdditionalToReduceBy, divisorBase, divisorSubTotal, divisorTotal, numberOfEvents, total;
    if (!(numberOfItemsToChoose <= totalNumberOfItems)) {
      throw "numberOfItemsToChoose cannot exceed totalNumberOfItems";
    total = factorial(totalNumberOfItems);
    divisorBase = totalNumberOfItems - numberOfItemsToChoose;
    divisorSubTotal = factorial(divisorBase);
    divisorAdditionalToReduceBy = factorial(numberOfItemsToChoose);
    divisorTotal = divisorSubTotal * divisorAdditionalToReduceBy;
    return total / divisorTotal;





  console.log(permutations(5, 3));

  console.log(permutations(12, 4));

  console.log(combinations(15, 5));

  console.log(combinations(5, 3));


F# and Haskell:

I've been working with Joe Koberg at V1, and he's been exploring a lot of functional languages, which has sparked my interest. Here are my first attempts at writing the same functions in F# and in Haskell:


open System

let rec factorial (n : uint64) =
    if n = 0UL then
        n * factorial (n - 1UL)

let permutations totalNumberOfItems numberOfItemstoChoose =
    let total = factorial totalNumberOfItems
    let divisorBase = totalNumberOfItems - numberOfItemstoChoose
    let divisorTotal = factorial divisorBase
    total / divisorTotal

let combinations totalNumberOfItems numberOfItemsToChoose =
    let total = factorial totalNumberOfItems
    let divisorBase = totalNumberOfItems - numberOfItemsToChoose
    let divisorSubTotal = factorial divisorBase
    let divisorAdditionalToReduceBy = factorial numberOfItemsToChoose
    let divisorTotal = (divisorSubTotal * divisorAdditionalToReduceBy)
    let result = total / divisorTotal

printfn "%A" (factorial 5UL)
printfn "%A" (factorial 10UL)

printfn "%A" (permutations 5UL 3UL)
printfn "%A" (permutations 12UL 4UL)

printfn "%A" (combinations 15UL 5UL)
printfn "%A" (combinations 5UL 3UL)



-- n!
factorial number =
if number < 1 then
number * factorial (number - 1)

factorial2 0 = 1
factorial2 n = n * factorial (n - 1)

-- P(n, r)
permutations totalNumberOfItems itemsToChoose =
(factorial totalNumberOfItems) / (factorial (totalNumberOfItems - itemsToChoose) )

permutations2 n r =
fac_n / fac_n_minus_r
fac_n = factorial n
fac_n_minus_r = factorial (n - r)

-- C(n, r)
combinations totalNumberOfItems itemsToChoose =
(factorial totalNumberOfItems) / ((factorial (totalNumberOfItems - itemsToChoose) ) * (factorial itemsToChoose) )

combinations2 n r =
fac_n / ( fac_n_minus_r * fac_r )
fac_n = factorial n
fac_n_minus_r = factorial (n - r)
fac_r = factorial r

Now, in the Haskell version there are a couple of versions of each, but it's still less code than any of the others. What I love about this is the minimal number of parentheses, no curly braces, and the where clause that assigns "local definitions" for the permutations2 and combinations2 functions. I'll admit that until I read, I was a bit miffed as to how to do this without defining a constant outside the function, which would have made no sense at all for reusability.

Thus, while I like all three of these languages so far, I'm most intrigued by the Haskell program and its economy of syntax.

Learn more about these two languages: